Stud Poker

Introduce to game

A game that can be found in most of the casino. It also frequently appears in some games as mini game, maybe slightly different. In my game, total of seven cards will be played, but still following the rules of original stud poker, only five cards will be highlighted and display during result state.

Buttons / Controls

Two main button: 'Draw' and 'Deal'

Draw: Every time player press this button, he/she will receive different amount of cards depends on number of rounds played, and increase the number of rounds played.

Player will receive 3 cards on 1st round, 2 cards on 2nd round, 1 card on 3rd and 4th round.

In normal gamble game, this button also known as 'Bet' button, it debit player's credits to increase the winning amount of payouts.

Deal: This button is disabled if player doesn't have any cards. It used to skip to result stage, without increasing the payout.

In normal gamble game, this button used to skip to result stage if you found your cards in your previous draw is not good, and may have a high chance to get High Card result.

Double: Only appears when player win any payout except High Card. It directs player to a mini game, which needs player to guess whether the card is big or small.

  • Big : Cards with value bigger than 7, for example 8, 9, 10, J, Q, K
  • Small : Cards with value smaller than 7, for example A, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
  • Draw : Card value equal to 7

Introduce to payout

  1. Royal Flush: 10, J, Q, K, A with same suit.
  2. Straight Flush: number in straight, for example: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, but in same suit
  3. Four of Kind:  Four cards with same value
  4. Full House:  Three cards with same value grouped with another two pair of cards with same value
  5. Flush:  Five cards with same suit, but the number not in straight
  6. Straight:  Five cards' number in straight, but different suit
  7. Three of Kind:  Three cards with same value
  8. Two Pair:  Two pair of cards with same value grouped with another two pair of cards with same value
  9. One Pair:  One pair of cards with same value
  10. High Card:  None of the above.

This game is just for fun, NOT a gamble game.

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